Revolutionizing Event Production: Introducing Wirecast’s Game-Changing AI Assistant for Live Streaming and Events

For those of us in the event industry, we understand the importance of seamless live streaming and video production. That’s why the recent announcement from Wirecast is creating waves, and we’re here to break down why this matters to you.

Before I begin, I have to say, I have been a Wirecast user for years; as a live streaming and production tool, it has made my life easier and our events amazing.

A Virtual Assistant Like No Other

Wirecast unveiled its latest innovation this week – a cutting-edge Virtual Assistant powered by generative AI. Think of this as having an on-call Wirecast expert at your fingertips, providing real-time assistance, from feature walkthroughs to technical troubleshooting, and in multiple languages. The potential for enhancing your live event production just multiplied!

Simon Clarke, the CTO of Telestream, shared the excitement, saying, “With this new AI facet of Wirecast, users will experience lightning-fast solutions. Our aim? To ensure Wirecast users receive an unparalleled, personalized touch with the new Virtual Assistant. And trust us, this is just a glimpse of the AI future we’re envisioning across Telestream.”

As someone who can say that Wirecast’s help and documentation were always OK and never great, this is a welcome enhancement for when you need help or some knowledge on the fly because, we all know, events stop for no one.

What Else to Look Out For?

This isn’t the only feather in Wirecast’s latest release cap. Here are some of the standout features tailored to elevate your event’s live production:

  • Custom LUTs (Look-Up Tables): Give your streams a unique touch.
  • Video Filters: Enhance video quality and appeal.
  • Shot Editing and Locking Layers: Greater control and precision.
  • SRT (Secure Reliable Transport) Features: Ensure uninterrupted streaming.

Affordable Professionalism

Quality shouldn’t break the bank. Wirecast’s new flexible pricing plans are good for event professionals of all levels. The Wirecast Studio subscription costs $35/month or an annual $299. Wirecast Pro comes in at $46/month or $399/year for those seeking more. Experience top-notch video production without the hefty cost. I can say the interwebs are full of people clutching their pearls because of the price change, but look, sometimes things change, and if you don’t like it, go to OBS, it’s free…

Looking Ahead

This 16.0 release marks just the onset of a slew of innovations Wirecast and Telestream have in the pipeline. With a blend of advanced technology and features focused on user experience, they’re paving the way for content creators of all kinds – from virtual event peeps to event production maestros.

Ready to step up your event’s live production game? Head over to Wirecast to dive in.

To all our eventprof friends, here’s to seamless, state-of-the-art productions!

FYI, I have no affiliation with Wirecast other than being a user who loves their products…

Picture of Keith Johnston

Keith Johnston

Keith is the Managing Partner of i3 Events but is most widely known as the outspoken publisher of the event industry blog PlannerWire. In addition to co-hosting the Bullet List and Event Tech Pull Up Podcasts, he has been featured in Plan Your Meetings, Associations Now, Convene, Event Solutions, and has appeared on the cover of Midwest Meetings Magazine.

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